Sunday, May 25, 2008

Science... which kind?

It is very weird... this tingling sensation all over my skin.
I'm increasingly losing faith in the established idea of knowledge, which emerges from post-Enlightenment Europe; this notion of rationality, where 'reason' (a particular kind of) supersedes everything else, or is prioritised over all other forms of feelings and thought processes. For us, this whole western legacy of rationalised thinking began with colonisation and the arrival of the railways... the kind of thinking which bases itself on a rationale that rests on facts and figures.
Of course, in the course of history, people have realised how other knowledge systems have been discounted in the process of imperialism and colonisation, which involved almost the whole of the world until the beginning of the 21st century. (Well, the USA still carries on the tradition in a kind of neo-imperialism as we have very well seen in Vietnam and Iraq.) However, there are efforts being made to restore/preserve older/other systems of knowledge, yes, and that's great.
But that's all about the outer world. Returning to the tingling sensation all over my skin...
Guess I aint really losing faith in the system of 'rational' knowledge, but yes, am losing whatever it is that makes us prioritise it over other thoughts. Guess I aint making too much sense, but that's me alright! :) Once one of my aunts had asked why it is that we believe in whatever we can explain through science and nothing else. The conversation we were having was about how energies affect us; what we very commonly call 'nazar lagna'. I was trying to tell her that I can explain the presence of positive/negative energies/entities which we can’t see through science when she asked me this question. And it kind of shook me. Then, two of my friends experienced something negative in my house and it triggered the whole line of the same questions again. It was alright till I felt things, since I'm 'abnormal' anyway. But when two other people mention the same things without me having mentioned anything, you seriously begin to wonder if anything is wrong with you at all!
Why is it that tantra (in Hindu and Buddhist philosophy) has been neglected all through? Why is it that it can thrive only in forms manipulated for acceptance through reiki, yin-yang, vaastu, 'stress-relieving' meditation, ‘black magic’ and other such media? Why is it that they exist only on the fringes; on the margins of accepted social behaviour... of accepted knowledge systems? Isn’t it funny and weird that a world which believes in "energy can neither be created nor destroyed" and bases its knowledge systems on theorems such as this one should discount what people discovered centuries ago? No, I aint trying to be a conservative nativist, but am seriously beginning to question why and how our educational systems and our upbringing today is all about repressing instincts and feelings, and instead focusing on ‘reason’ (the head over the heart belief). Guess it has to do with the cut-throat competition in today’s world; well that is an excuse that can justify even murder today. Of course, you can go and talk about these repressed instincts and feelings to psychologists, etc, but I wonder why and how (of course Freud began the game) everything is usually interpreted in terms of repressed 'sexual/ity' issues.
Of course, these ideas pertaining to personal and cosmic energy still find expression in ‘modern’ life when people say things like, “you know, that woman does not give me good vibes”. The idea of a person emanating and another absorbing vibes, that is, vibrating energy, is one which is part of residual cultures with philosophies of energy. I have met and read many people who attribute such ideas to some kind of spirituality, which is (consciously or unconsciously) pitted against the idea of modernity. I guess this opposition emerges from the associations of modernity with a kind of ‘materiality’ (take into account the industrial revolution emerging from a philosophy of material facts and figures) and of spirituality with a kind of ‘soul/spirit’ thing. Also, if you look at it hard enough, there is a kind of private/public opposition embedded in the two. That is, materiality and modernity have always been associated with a kind of collectiveness, a ‘society’, a ‘modern civilization’. On the other hand, spirituality and other such things have always been associated with the personal and the individual, maybe yes, within a society, yet not as an unimportant/negligible part but as an active one, forming it.
And yes, this tingling sensation all over my skin… I wonder if someone’s around me, whom I can’t see…! :)


Adeep Jain said...

Well, interesting thought - however not having an "explaination" is why it is unscientific. But just because the idea of positive or negative energies is not in the science textbook does not mean there has been no attempt at scientific explaination.

One attempt has been made through the concept of resonance.

It is said that every body has a natural frequency of its own. All positive energies are those which are in synch with your natural frequency. Negative energies are those which are out of synch with your natural frequency.

This is intuitively rational and scientifically plausible - i guess we currently lack the level of research to prove anything. There is some attempt at explaing this through experiments in a book - "Destructive Emotions: A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama" by Daniel Goleman.

Mukul said...

Tuesday Lobsang Rampa, and Robert M Pirsig (Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance).

The Mystic only implies we (in our present state of knowledge) do not know or understand something. It does not mean the thing is imaginary.